Central Philippine University Hand Bell Choir featured by GMA TV Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho

GMA TV Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho featured the CPU Handbell Choir in one Christmas episode of the show. Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho is a popular show of GMA TV broadcast every Saturday evening. It is a magazine, documentary, lifestyle, public affairs show that Jessica Soho hosts. Watching the CPU Hand Bell Choir perform on the… Continue reading Central Philippine University Hand Bell Choir featured by GMA TV Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho

Central Spirit – There’s Happiness at CPU Forever

Perhaps you might be one of those who were touched deeply by the message of the Coca-Cola ad “Where Will Happiness Strike Next: The OFW Project”. You can’t avoid identifying with and feeling how the three persons featured in the Coca-Cola advertisement felt, especially when you are located abroad and far from your loved ones.… Continue reading Central Spirit – There’s Happiness at CPU Forever

Central Spirit – There's Happiness at CPU Forever

Perhaps you might be one of those who were touched deeply by the message of the Coca-Cola ad “Where Will Happiness Strike Next: The OFW Project”. You can’t avoid identifying with and feeling how the three persons featured in the Coca-Cola advertisement felt, especially when you are located abroad and far from your loved ones.… Continue reading Central Spirit – There's Happiness at CPU Forever